Wednesday, May 28, 2014

Camiguin Playlist

So I know everyone is just itching to know... "What music do the Camiguin girls listen to?"
Well, good thing I'm here to tell you!

Music is a large part of our mission. Filipinos LOVE to sing and music is just a large part of the culture here, which is so convenient because our team loves music.

So here are our 5 top played songs:

1. Jerusalem by Matisyahu
This reggae song played over one hundred times in 4 months by the bearded "Jewish" man all the way from Pennsylvania, Matisyahu (Hebrew name meaning "Gift of God"), is a favorite of not only our team but ALL of the teens that we are discipling and all of our friends here in the Philippines.

2. Mighty to Save by Hillsong
If you pass by our Cottage on Alvarez Street, you will either hear this song being played or screamed/sung by our teens. This is their absolute favorite worship song and they enjoy playing it on repeat while trying to learn every single word.

3. Let It Go by Idina Menzel
Oh Frozen, this is pretty much our theme movie of our mission. It is a great story about Agape love rather than the typical Disney Eros love. Our team really loves the entire soundtrack and we have made every song about Jesus (it totally works, you should try it). 
The past is in the past!

4. Unstoppable Love by Kim Walker-Smith
If you have ever heard the band Jesus Culture, you are sure to know Kim Walker. She is a POWERHOUSE voice for Jesus. Her and her husband composed a beautiful CD about their passionate love for Jesus. Their album is called Home, buy the whole thing. You will not be disappointed.

5. All The Poor and Powerless by All Sons & Daughters
All.Sons.And.Daughters. They are my favorite worship band for sure. I have a deep love for beautiful harmonies and these two got it DOWN. Our team usually plays all of their songs for praise and worship before our morning prayer. We even changed the words to this song so we could sing it for Lent!

Our top played artists:
All Sons and Daughters
Kim Walker-Smith
Will Reagan and United Pursuit
Ellie Goulding
Audrey Assad

Top played Soundtrack:

Our music tastes have really branched out since moving to the Philippines and getting a vibe for what we all love to listen to and what we really don't love to listen to. We have even started listening to some Christian Filipino songs! Of course we love the good ole praise and worship songs that are chill and beautiful, but we do love to get down to some Christian rap and a few secular songs thrown in there...Celine Dion of course.

So now everyone can sleep, because I know your curiosity of what we love to listen to was really keeping you up at night. ;)

God Bless and happy listening!

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