Sunday, November 10, 2013


Hola from General Cepeda!

It has been a glorious few days in General! The weather is cool, the people are friendly, the town is clean and safe, and the mission house already feels like home.

So lets talk about the cement slide…
Supposedly it’s popular around here to have a ginormous cement slide in your town. Who would have thought?

All of the kids and a couple of us older “kids” decided to go play on the huge cement slide right after we got here on Friday. I was a little terrified because it was huge…and cement. I was going to go up casually and try to go really slow down (because it is really slippery, so I’d go fast). Then, some of the kids (and older kids) decided to jump on top of me and push me down. Well, with all that weight, we went really really really fast. All of a sudden, I was flying in the air alone, then I hit the cement…tailbone first. So I guess you can figure the rest out…
Yes, I broke (or severely bruised) my tailbone.

All in all, it was really fun! My butt is hurting some when I sit on hard surfaces, but I am still so thrilled to be in Mexico.

Me and Lucy after I fell off of the slide!
I learned a Spanish song on my ukulele right before we went to the Rancho last night, which was exciting! It was awesome and very small. There were only two ladies in the chapel who were about to pray the rosary for this novena leading up to the feast day of Our Lady of Guadalupe. A few others joined us and we sang, prayed, heard testimonies from some of the missionaries and a few of the women at the ranchos, then we asked if anyone needed prayers and we prayed over them. It was a wonderful visit and I am so excited to go to different ranchos every day.

God Bless all of you and pray for us in Mexico!!!

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